Welcome to Volusia ARES

April 20th, 2023 by

The Volusia County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES®) is a volunteer corps of licensed radio amateurs who have expressed a desire to be of assistance to their neighbors during times of disaster.  Our mission is to provide a viable response to local or regional communications system outages or overloads during times of disaster.  As directed by the Volusia County Emergency Management or other served agency,  we provide back-up communications until normal communications are restored.  We also provide communications services to public service events, such as the Bike MS: PGA TOUR Cycle to Shore and support the National Weather Service’s SKYWARN program.

The Volusia ARES® Weekly Training Net is held every Sunday evening at 20:00 Eastern on the KV4EOC 147.240 (+600, 123 Hz PL) repeater.

We can be contacted at: 147.240 +123, contact@volusiaares.org, or 386-256-8404 (VM)